Friday, 25 October 2013


Think of everything that you use your body for: transportation, self-expression, sports, eating, playing board games and video games, hugging loved ones, being present, breathing, talking to people, sitting, sleeping, waving.

How many of these things do you enjoy doing? I'm sure most of us enjoy these things.

No moving?
There are obviously lots more things that we do with our bodies but we take most of them for granted. So, what would you do if you suddenly became paralyzed? You've probably never thought of that have you? 

If by happenstance, you became completely paralyzed, what couldn't you do?

Here's my list of a few top items:
- walk or run
- hug people I love
- no more video games
- say goodbye to unassisted hour long showers
- no more guitar

Figuratively, my life would be over. Yes, I would survive and I'm sure you would too, but it would NOT be easy.

Hopefully now that you have thought about what you would lose being paralyzed, do you realize all that you take for granted? Think of all the "what if" questions that people who are paralyzed have.

What if this didn't happen? 
What if that didn't happen? 
What if I could have stopped it? 

It is true that we all have what if questions. It is true that we all have problems that make us wonder what if. Do yours pale in comparison to those who have life altering what if questions?


  1. I would have never even thought of this if I hadn't read your blog. if I were paralyzed, I wouldn't be able to play the piano or text my friends or drive!

  2. Very tough questions. It sure makes you appreciate what you have. Life really is good.

  3. If i became paralyzed, everything my life revolves around would be gone! I wouldnt be able to do anything I loved anymore! I really respect paralyzed people for pushing through it!
